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超抵限定優惠!!! 經網上入倉即享7折* 優惠期及名額有限,立即預留入倉啦!

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港鐵員工在時昌迷你倉用倉可享85折優惠15%off for MTR Staff

請填寫以下登記資料 Register Here


1. 港鐵員工需先致電時昌客戶服務熱線:8177 7778或到時昌迷你倉指定網站成功登記後可享85折用倉優惠。

2. 迷你倉供應量有限,先到先得。其名單會因應市場供應而有所變動,詳情請聯絡時昌客戶服務熱線:8177 7778。

3. 入倉前需出示有效之港鐵員工職員證正本方為有效,影印本無效。時昌迷你倉將影印其職員證以作紀錄。

4. 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用。

5. 入倉前須與時昌迷你倉簽妥用倉協議書,並繳付兩個月正價按金及拍卡費用。

6. 此優惠有效期至31-12-2021,客人必須在優惠期完結前入倉。

7. 此優惠不可轉讓,退款或兌換現金。

8. 每人及每次只可選用一個迷你倉。

9. 只適用於新客戶,時昌現有客及續約客戶不適用。



Terms and Conditions:

1. MTR’s staff have to make a phone call to 8177 7778 or register on specified SC Storage website, in order to enjoy the 15% off discount.

2. Storage supply are limited, offer will be given out on a first-come, first-served basis. The list of storage may vary due to market supply, for more details please contact our Customer Service Representative at (852) 8177 7778.

3. A valid original MTR staff ID card should be shown before move in, copy version is not accepted. SC Storage will make a copy of your staff ID card for reference.

4. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers.

5. An agreement of using Self Storage should be signed before move in, 2 months original price deposit and access card fee will be charged at the same time.

6. This promotion is valid until 31-12-2021, customer has to move in before the promotion ends.

7. This offer cannot be exchanged for cash, refund nor transferred.

8. This offer can only be used on one storage unit by each customer, repeat usage is not allowed.

9. This offer only applies to new customer. Current and renew customer are not applied.

10.SC Storage reserves the right to update and/or adjust the terms and conditions, and change or cancel this offer at any time without prior notice.

11.In case of dispute, SC Storage reserves the right of final decision.