Mini storage, Self storage, Storage service, Storage Hong Kong | sc stoage - waitingList
超抵限定優惠!!! 經網上入倉即享7折* 優惠期及名額有限,立即預留入倉啦!
Your Waiting
East Sun Industrial Centre , NO 16 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
Kwun Tong Self Storage - East Sun Industrial Centre Special Offer Storage
Small (26 - 40 feet)
  • Small = big closet
Unit Type


**This store's storage size measured by round number and for reference only .

Office hours
10:00 - 19:00

Open hours

Waiting unit

There are currently no storage unit available in this branch, please fill in the information below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

*This storage unit is provided by our business partner - Yellow Box, SC Storage is not responsible for any matters happened with this, Yellow Box reserves the right of final decision.

What is next step after you reserve a unit?

  1. Our staff will call you to make appointment and solve your problem of storage.
  2. Packing your stuff you need to store.
  3. Finally sign agreement and move in.

What is the next step after reservation and payment?

  1. Our customer services officer will call you for appointment and details of move in procedures.
  2. Customers need to bring your ID card and address proof.
    (Commercial customers need to bring your BR and company stamp)
  3. You may get a shelf from us to make your self-storage systemically arranged.
  4. Store your stuff anytime, your home or office could be much spacious!


馮小姐: 我屋企太細,租個倉都係放d家居雜物,因為住係附近,所以攞嘢都好方便,04年用倉到依家都好放心,倉嘅環境滿意,會繼續租落去架!

閣下需要在線咨詢嗎? ^o^
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